Construction and Destruction (after Cocoon Piece)

Construction and Destruction–

My process explores the distance between the two.

Between my body and materials,

Meaning, tethered by the fragility of a stitch,

The disruptive yawn of a bend

And the sacred silence in a mend.

Each cradling the essence of our

trepid emotional landscapes.


I make to the standardized measurements of:

My hands, my neck, my feet, my torso,

My dreams, my memories,

My memories’ memories,

and so on…


To the architecture that we bend around,

by, and though, until our knees buckle

Like the shallow articulations they are.

It is a bend as natural as

the turn of the head

or the curve of a back

A bend we’ve known for generations

A nameless bend.


My body, my body!

Collapsed by closeness.

Directness and Reciprocity

Combined is the compass

That reveals where to go—

In that moment

And how to go.


Through the fluid forest of

physical and digital entanglement,

I look to these materials to look to

my own consumed body.

Wallowing in the hierarchy

Placed between human and

Material object.


Hardness into softness,

I sink my nails deeply

into the fleshy contours of

Strength and Vulnerability,

Organic and Industrial,

Heard and Unheard,

Coaxed by the traces of impact

Partially exposed

Never concrete.